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Sermon Texts

The table below contains the ancient or historic pericope, The Thomasius Selections, The Wuerttemberg Selections, The Hamburg Pericopes, and the Eisenach Selections. The historic pericopes will be used for the Epistle and Gospel readings. The sermon text will mainly be the Gospel text or the old Testament text from the Thomasius Selections.

Next Sunday's sermon text will be highlighted in gold in the table below

Next Sunday's Epistle and Gospel texts will be highlighted in purple in the table below

Scripture Lessons "Pericope" is the name given to the part of the Bible which is selected for reading on a particular Sunday. This is from a Greek word meaning "cut around". A "lectionary" (from the Latin word for "reading") is a book or list containing all the pericopes for a liturgical year. In the early church, the pericopes often formed a continuous reading through a book of the Bible. This pattern is still found to some degree in the present lectionary; but as the church year developed through history, the pericopes were keyed more and more to the themes of the developing seasons and festivals. The use of standard pericopes ensures a balanced and complete presentation of the truths found in the whole Bible. The Jewish synagogue during the time of the Apostles' had readings, one from the law (books of Moses) and one from the prophets, followed by an address concerning them. Acts 13:15

Early Christians continued these readings in their worship, later adding readings from the epistles as they were written, and then from the Gospels. Colossians 4:16 For a long while in recent history, Old Testament lessons were not commonly read, but now they are once again being restored to their proper place in worship. The response to the Old Testament and Epistle lessons, "Thanks be to God", found in Divine Service I of Lutheran Worship, originated as a password given to the door keeper of a worship service during times of persecution in the early church. "Epistle" is the Latin word meaning "letter". These books of the Bible were first written as letters sent by the Apostles to churches and individuals. The scripture lessons build to a climax in the Gospel. The Old Testament lesson, pointing toward its fulfillment in the Gospel, is first followed by the epistle, which often applies the message of the Gospel.

It is incumbent upon the minister or pastor to divide the Word of truth. this duty applies not only to the particular text upon which he happens to be preaching, but also to the whole round of truth which he expounds and applies. Because carefully selected pericope texts take the whole range of divine truth into purview, the minister who follows a stated pericope series can, in the course of the Church Year, touch upon practically all of the vital truths of faith and life.

The most familiar series of texts for the Church Year are the ancient or historic pericopes, which include lessons from both the Gospels and the Epistles. These have been in use from the earliest times and with only slight variations are still used today in the Lutheran, Episcopalian, and Roman rites. These were read in The Service and usually formed the text for the sermon so that in time they became a sort of Bible for the worshiper containing a great sotre of priceless truths made living through serial preaching upon them. They are supplemented here by a series of Old Testament selections made by the Commission on a Common Liturgy. These Old Testament selections, paralleling the Epistle and the Gospel selections, add variety and stimulation for the preacher without changing the essentials.

For seventeen years Gottfried Thomasius was an active pastor in Erlangen and Nurember. In 1842 he accepted the position of professor of dogmatics at the University of Erlangen and exerted an influence equalled by few teachers of his time. In 1865 the General Synod of Bavaria approved a pericope system arranged by him and recommended it for use in the churches in Bavaria. The selections offer a series of Gospel, Epistle, and Old Testament texts

The Wuerttemberg Selections date back to 1843 when they were published in the Kirchenbuch (Church Book) of the Evangelical Church of that province. As in other provincial churches, the historic pericopes were supplemented by newer selections which take the entire Scriptures into purview although the Wuerttemberg Selections include only three texts from the Old Testament.

Four series of pericopes were introduce in 1843 in the provincial Church of Hamburg. Of these, two were based on the historic Epistle and Gospel selections with only slight variations and are therefore not listed. Those here given consist of Epistle and Gospel selections with the addition of fifteen texts from the Book of Acts in the non-festival half of the Church Year. In addition, five texts from the Psalms and the Prophets are interspersed among the Gospel selections. The Epistles also contain a number of texts from the Prophets as well as one from the Book of Revelation.

The Evangelische-Kirchliche Konferenz,formed in 1852, became the official bond between the Evangelical State Churches of Germany. Although its decisions were only advisory, the Eisenach Conference accomplished much in the field of hymnology, liturgiology, administration, and policy. In 1896 the Conference approved the work of a committee which had been named to revise the historic pericopes and to supplement them with a series of Epistle, Gospel,and Old Testament selections. These Eisenach Selections came into quite general use in Germany and later also in America. They are included in the General Rubrics of the Common Service Book and will appear also in the Common Lutheran Hymnal.

The sermon text will be the Epistle text from the Thomasius Selections

Sunday, Feast, or Festival HISTORIC
The First Sunday in Advent EpistleRomans 13:11-14Revelation 1:4-8Romans 14:17-19Jeremiah 31:31-34Hebrews 10:19-25
GospelMatthew 21:1-9Luke 1:68-79Luke 17:20-25Matthew 3:1-6Luke 1:68-79
Old TestamentIsaiah 61:1-3
The Second Sunday in Advent EpistleRomans 15:4-13I Timothy 6:11-16Romans 14:7-12Ephesians 1:3-6II Peter 1:3-11
GospelLuke 21:25-36Luke 17:20-30Luke 12:35-48Matthew 3:7-12Luke 17:20-30
Old TestamentMalachi 4:1-6
The Third Sunday in Advent EpistleI Corinthians 4:1-5Romans 2:12-16Acts 3:19-26I Corinthians 3:11-17II Timothy 4:5-8
GospelMatthew 11:2-10Matthew 3:1-12Luke 3:2-18Matthew 10:32-42Matthew 3:1-11
Old TestamentIsaiah 40:1-10
The Fourth Sunday in Advent EpistlePhilippians 4:4-7I Corinthians 1:26-29I John 1:1-4I Timothy 1:12-17I John 1:1-4
GospelJohn 1:19-28Luke 1:46-55John 3:22-36Luke 17:20-24John 1:15-18
Old TestamentIsaiah 2:2-5
Christmas Day. The Nativity of Our Lord EpistleTitus 2:11-14Hebrews 1:1-6Ephesians 1:3-8Hebrews 1:1-6I John 3:1-5
GospelLuke 2:1-14Luke 2:1-20Luke 2:1-14
John 1:14-18
John 1:1-14Matthew 1:18-23
Old TestamentIsaiah 9:6-7
The Second Christmas Day EpistleTitus 3:4-7I John 1:1-4I John 4:9-11
GospelLuke 2:15-20John 1:1-14Luke 19:10
Old TestamentMicah 5:1-3
The Sunday after Christmas EpistleGalatians 4:1-7II Timothy 4:3-8I Timothy 3:16Jude 17-21II Corinthians 5:1-9
GospelLuke 2:33-40Luke 2:22-32Luke 1:46-55Psalm 90:1-12Luke 2:25-32
Old TestamentIsaiah 63:7-17
New Year's Eve EpistleII Timothy 4:14-18
GospelLuke 12:4-9Psalm 90:2-6
Old Testament
New Year's Day EpistleGalatians 3:23-29Hebrews 13:8Hebrews 13:8, 14
and 10:35
Hebrews 13:14Romans 8:24-32
GospelLuke 2:21Luke 13:6-9Psalm 90:2-6
we will be using
Psalm 111
Psalm 111Luke 4:16-21
Old TestamentLamentations 3:22-32
The Sunday after New Year's Day EpistleI Peter 4:12-19Acts 19:1-7I Thessalonians 5:5-10James 4:13-17James 4:13-17
GospelMatthew 2:13-23Mark 6:20-29John 12:44-50Matthew 16:1-4Matthew 16:1-4
Old TestamentPsalm 73:23-28
The Epiphany of Our Lord EpistleIsaiah 60:1-6I John 3:1-6Isaiah 42:1-8Isaiah 55:3-11II Corinthians 4:3-6
GospelMatthew 2:1-12Matthew 3:13-17Matthew 2:1-12Isaiah 42:1-8Matthew 3:13-17
Old TestamentIsaiah 49:1-9
The First Sunday after Epiphany EpistleRomans 12:1-5Romans 10:12-21Ephesians 6:1-4I Peter 2:1-4II Corinthians 6:14-7:1
GospelLuke 2:41-52John 1:36-51Mark 10:13-16Matthew 3:13-17John 1:35-42
Old TestamentDeuteronomy 6:1-9
The Second Sunday after Epiphany EpistleRomans 12:6-16Romans 10:1-12Romans 1:16-25Ephesians 4:11-15I Corinthians 2:6-16
GospelJohn 2:1-11Luke 4:14-22Luke 4:14-24Mark 6:17-29John 1:43-51
Old TestamentIsaiah 8:20-22
The Third Sunday after Epiphany EpistleRomans 12:17-21Romans 5:1-5Romans 5:1-5Ephesians 2:4-10Romans 1:13-20
GospelMatthew 8:1-13Matthew 11:25-30John 4:5-14Mark 1:14-22John 4:5-14
Old TestamentNumbers 24:10-17
The Fourth Sunday after Epiphany EpistleRomans 13:8-10I John 1:5-10Romans 2:4-11I Timothy 6:6-11Romans 7:7-16
GospelMatthew 8:23-27John 8:12-16John 4:15-26John 1:43-51John 4:31-42
Old TestamentIsaiah 51:1-12
The Fifth Sunday after Epiphany EpistleColossians 3:12-17I John 4:7-17Acts 16:9-15II Corinthians 6:14-18Romans 8:1-9
GospelMatthew 13:24-30John 6:26-35Matthew 9:35-38Matthew 10:16-31Matthew 7:24-29
Old TestamentJeremiah 18:1-10
The Transfiguration of Our Lord
(The Last Sunday After Epiphany)
EpistleII Peter 1:16-21I Peter 1:3-21Acts 13:42-52Hebrews 4:12-16II Corinthians 3:12-18
GospelMatthew 17:1-9Luke 7:1-10Luke 6:1-10Luke 9:57-62John 5:39-47
Old TestamentExodus 3:1-6
Septuagesima Sunday EpistleI Corinthians 9:24-10:5II Peter 1:3-11Acts 9:36-42Romans 5:1-5Philippians 1:27-2:4
Matthew 20:1-16John 7:14-17Matthew 11:16-24Luke 10:38-42Luke 10:38-42
Old TestamentDaniel 5:17-30
Daniel 4:31-34
Sexagesima Sunday EpistleII Corinthians 11:19-12:9
II Corinthians 3:12-18
Hebrews 10:19-29II Peter 1:2-9Philippians 1:12-21
GospelLuke 8:4-15Matthew 17:1-9John 8:21-29Matthew 11:25-30John 11:20-27
Old TestamentIsaiah 25:1-9
Quinquagesima Sunday EpistleI Corinthians 13:1-13I Corinthians 1:18-24II Corinthians 11:23-30Hebrews 2:9-18I Corinthians 1:21-31
GospelLuke 18:31-43Mark 10:32-45
Mark 8:27-38
Matthew 16:21-23Matthew 16:21-27Mark 10:35-45
John 11:47-57
Old TestamentJeremiah 8:19-22
Ash Wednesday EpistleJoel 2:12-19
GospelMatthew 6:16-21
Old Testament
Invocavit. The First Sunday in Lent EpistleII Corinthians 6:1-10Hebrews 12:14-17I Peter 1:17-25I Corinthians 1:18-25Hebrews 4:15-16
GospelMatthew 4:1-11Matthew 11:20-24John 2:13-22Luke 20:9-20Matthew 16:21-26
Luke 22:39-46
Old TestamentJeremiah 2:17-19
Jeremiah 3:22-23
Reminiscere. The Second Sunday in Lent EpistleI Thessalonians 4:1-7Hebrews 2:10-15James 1:2-12I Peter 4:1-5I John 2:12-17
GospelMatthew 15:21-28John 8:21-30Matthew 12:38-42Luke 7:36-50Luke 10:17-20
Luke 22:54-62
Old TestamentExodus 14:13-21
Isaiah 52:7-10
Oculi. The Third Sunday in Lent EpistleEphesians 5:1-9Hebrews 5:7-10II Corinthians 1:3-7I Peter 1:13-25I Peter 1:13-16
GospelLuke 11:14-28John 10:24-33John 6:47-56Luke 13:1-9Luke 9:51-56
Luke 22:63-71
Old TestamentGenesis 22
Laetare. The Fourth Sunday in Lent EpistleGalatians 4:21-31Hebrews 10:1-14Hebrews 10:5-18I Timothy 6:12-16II Corinthians 7:4-10
GospelJohn 6:1-15John 11:47-57John 6:57-69John 12:42-50John 6:47-57
Matthew 27:15-31
Old TestamentIsaiah 42:1-8
Judica. Passion Sunday EpistleHebrews 9:11-15Hebrews 7:24-27
Hebrews 4:14-16
II Corinthians 5:14-21Romans 8:31-39I Peter 1:17-25
GospelJohn 8:46-59John 12:23-33John12:20-32John 8:25-36John 13:31-35
Luke 23:27-34
Old TestamentNumbres 21:4-9
Palmarum. The Sixth Sunday in Lent EpistlePhilippians 2:5-11Hebrews 12:1-6Hebrews 12:1-6Hebrews 12:1-6
GospelMatthew 21:1-9John 12:1-19blank
We will be using
Isaiah 32:1-4
John 12:23-33John 12:1-8
Old TestamentZechariah 9:8-12
Thursday in Holy Week EpistleI Corinthians 11:23-32I Corinthians 10:16-17
I Corinthians 11:28-32
I Corinthians 10:16-22I Corinthians 10:16-17
GospelJohn 13:1-15John 13:1-17
Luke 22:14-23
Luke 22:14-22Luke 22:14-20
Old TestamentExodus 12:1-14
Good Friday EpistleIsaiah 52:13-53:12Hebrews 10:19-23
II Corinthians 5:14-21
II Corinthians 5:14-21
GospelJohn 18:1-19:42Matthew 27:29-56Luke 23:39-46
Old TestamentIsaiah 53:1-7
Easter Day. The Resurrection of Our Lord EpistleI Corinthians 5:6-8I Peter 1:3-9I Corinthians 15:51-58I Peter 1:3-9I Corinthians 15:12-20
GospelMark 16:1-8Matthew 28:1-8Matthew 28:1-10
John 20:11-18
Matthew 28:1-10Matthew 28:1-10
Old TestamentIsaiah 53:8-12
Job 19:22-27
Monday after Easter EpistleActs 10:34-41I Corinthians 15:12-22I Corinthians 15:12-22I Corinthians 15:54-58
GospelLuke 24:13-35John 20:11-18John 20:11-18John 20:11-18
Old TestamentIsaiah 26:13-20
Psalm 118:24-29
Quasi Modo Geniti. The First Sunday after Easter EpistleI John 5:4-10I John 4:1-6
I Peter 1:22-25
II Timothy 2:1-13I Corinthians 15:50-58I Peter 1:3-9
GospelJohn 20:19-31John 21:15-24
John 6:65-71
Luke 24:36-47John 11:25-27John 21:15-19
Old TestamentGenesis 32:22-31
Misericordias Domini. The Second Sunday after Easter EpistleI Peter 2:21-25Revelation 2:1-5Revelation 7:13-17Romans 10:9-17Ephesians 2:4-10
GospelJohn 10:11-16John 21:1-14John 10:22-30Luke 24:36-47John 14:1-6
Old TestamentExekiel 34:11-16
Exekiel 34:23-31
Jubilate. The Third Sunday after Easter EpistleI Peter 2:11-20Revelation 3:1-6Acts 4:8-20II Corinthians 4:6-11I John 4:9-14
GospelJohn 16:16-23John 10:1-11Matthew 10:16-20John 21:1-14John 12:20-26
Old TestamentIsaiah 61:10-11
Cantate. The Fourth Sunday after Easter EpistleJames 1:16-21Rvelation 3:7-11I Thessalonians 2:9-13I John 2:14-17II Timothy 2:8-13
GospelJohn 16:5-15John 15:1-11Matthew 10:24-33John 21:15-19John 6:60-69
Old TestamentIsaiah 5:1-7
Rogate. The Fifth Sunday after Easter EpistleJames 1:22-27Revelation 3:14-22I Timothy 6:11-16James 1:2-12I Timothy 2:1-6
GospelJohn 16:23-30John 14:13-21Luke 11:9-13John 21:20-25Luke 11:5-13
Old TestamentIsaiah 54:7-13
The Ascension of Our Lord EpistleActs 1:1-11Ephesians 1:15-23Hebrews 4:14-16Colossians 3:1-4Colossians 3:1-4
GospelMark 16:14-20Luke 24:50-53Luke 24:49-53Luke 24:49-53Luke 24:50-53
John 17:11-26
Old TestamentPsalm 110
Exaudi. The Sunday after the Ascension EpistleI Peter 4:7-11I John 3:19-24(Official) Colossians 3:1-10
(Actual) Hebrews 4:14-16 and Colossians 3:1-2
I John 5:9-15Ephesians 1:15-23
GospelJohn 15:26-16:4John 14:1-12John 7:33-39Mark 4:26-32John 7:33-39
Old TestamentIsaiah 64:1-2
The Festival of Pentecost. Whitsunday EpistleActs 2:1-13Hebrews 8:8-11Acts 2:32-41Ephesians 1:9-14Ephesians 2:10-22
GospelJohn 14:23-31John 7:37-39John 14:15-21Acts 2:38-41John 14:15-21
Old TestamentIsaiah 44:1-6
The Monday in Whitsun-Week EpistleActs 10:42-48Acts 2:22-39I Corinthians 2:7-16Ephesians 2:19-22Ephesians 4:11-16
GospelJohn 3:16-21John 4:19-24Ezekiel 36:26, 27Acts 2:42-47John 15:9-16
Old TestamentEzekiel 32:22-28
Exekiel 36:22-28
The Festival of the Holy Trinity EpistleRomans 11:33-36I Corinthians 12:4-13Titus 3:4-8I Corinthians 2:7-14Ephesians 1:3-14
II Corinthians 13:11-14
GospelJohn 3:1-15Matthew 28:18-20Matthew 28:18-20
we will be using
Isaiah 48:16-17
Matthew 28:16-20Matthew 28:16-20
Old TestamentIsaiah 6:3-7
Numbers 6:22-27
The First Sunday after Trinity EpistleI John 4:16-21Acts 2:42-47Acts 2:42-47James 2:8-13Acts 4:32-35
GospelLuke 16:19-31Mark 4:26-29Mark 4:26-32Acts 4:1-12Matthew 13:31-35
Old TestamentGenesis 12:1-4
The Second Sunday after Trinity EpistleI John 3:13-18Acts 3:1-10I John 1:5-2:2James 2:14-24Romans 10:1-15
GospelLuke 14:16-24Matthew 9:9-13Luke 15:11-32Acts 4:13-21Matthew 9:9-13
Old TestamentGenesis 15:1-6
The Third Sunday after Trinity EpistleI Peter 5:6-11Acts 4:1-12Acts 5:34-42James 4:1-10Acts 3:1-16
GospelLuke 15:1-10Matthew 5:1-6Matthew 15:1-14Matthew 19:3-9Luke 15:11-32
Old TestamentGenesis 17:1-9
The Fourth Sunday after Trinity EpistleRomans 8:18-23Acts 8:26-38Acts 9:1-20II Timothy 3:12-17Acts 4:1-12
GospelLuke 6:36-42Matthew 5:7-12Matthew 8:5-13Luke 4:16-21Matthew 5:13-16
Old TestamentGenesis 18:20-33
The Fifth Sunday after Trinity EpistleI Peter 3:8-15Acts 9:1-19Philippians 3:8-14Galatians 2:16-21Acts 5:34-42
GospelLuke 5:1-11Matthew 7:24-29Luke 10:38-42Luke 12:15-21Luke 9:18-26
Old TestamentGenesis 19:15-26
The Sixth Sunday after Trinity EpistleRomans 6:3-11Acts 14:8-18Ephesians 2:4-10I Thessalonians 4:9-12Acts 8:26-38
GospelMatthew 5:20-26Matthew 19:16-26John 5:19-29John 4:5-24Matthew 21:28-32
Old TestamentGenesis 25:7-10
The Seventh Sunday after Trinity EpistleRomans 6:19-23Acts 16:22-33Hebrews 12:5-11I Peter 2:5-10I Timothy 6:6-12
GospelMark 8:1-9Matthew 13:44-46Luke 13:10-17Acts 5:34-42Mark 4:26-29
Old TestamentGenesis 28:10-22
The Eighth Sunday after Trinity EpistleRomans 8:12-17Acts 16:12-15I Timothy 6:6-10I Timothy 4:1-9Acts 16:16-32
GospelMatthew 7:15-23Mark 8:34-38Matthew 19:16-26Luke 17:7-10Matthew 12:46-50
Old TestamentExodus 3:1-14
The Ninth Sunday after Trinity EpistleI Corinthians 10:6-13Acts 24:22-26Acts 17:24-31II Timothy 2:3-13Acts 17:16-34
GospelLuke 16:1-9Matthew 14:22-34Matthew 16:24-28Acts 8:14-24Matthew 13:44-46
Old TestamentExodus 17:1-7
The Tenth Sunday after Trinity EpistleI Corinthians 12:1-11Acts 7:54-59I Timothy 1:12-17Romans 1:16-21Acts 20:17-38
GospelLuke 19:41-48Matthew 23:34-39Luke 19:1-10Acts 8:36-39Matthew 23:24-39
Old TestamentDeuteronomy 32:1-9
The Eleventh Sunday after Trinity EpistleI Corinthians 15:1-10Acts 17:15-34James 2:13-17Romans 3:23-31Romans 8:33-39
GospelLuke 18:9-14Matthew 16:13-20Mark 12:41-44
We wil be using
Isaiah 66:1-4
Luke 9:49-56Luke 7:36-50
Old TestamentI Samuel 7:5-12
The Twelfth Sunday after Trinity EpistleII Corinthians 3:4-11Acts 19:23-40Romans 7:18-8:4Philippians 1:12-18Acts 16:9-15
GospelMark 7:31-37Matthew 13:31-35John 8:31-35Acts 9:1-20John 8:31-36
Old TestamentI samuel 16:1-13
The Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity EpistleGalatians 3:15-22Acts 20:17-38Philippians 2:1-11Philippians 2:1-4I Peter 2:1-10
GospelLuke 10:23-37Matthew 5:13-19Luke 6:20-31Luke 15:11-19Mark 12:41-44
Old TestamentII Samuel 12:1-10
The Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity EpistleGalatians 5:16-24Ephesians 2:19-22II Peter 1:2-11Philippians 3:8-16I Timothy 1:12-17
GospelLuke 17:11-19Matthew 10:16-22
Matthew 10:28-38
Matthew 13:44-50Luke 15:20-32John 5:1-14
Old TestamentProverbs 4:14-23
The Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity EpistleGalatians 5:25-6:10Ephesians 4:8-16I John 2:12-17Romans 14:1-12II Thessalonians 3:6-13
GospelMatthew 6:24-34Luke 11:5-13
Luke 18:1-8
Luke 12:13-21Acts 14:8-20John 11:1-11
Old TestamentI Kings 17:1-16
The Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity EpistleEphesians 3:13-21I thessalonians 5:14-24I John 2:28-3:8Romans 14:13-23Hebrews 12:18-24
GospelLuke 7:11-17Matthew 25:14-30John 15:1-11Acts 16:16-34Matthew 11:25-30
Old TestamentI Kings 17:17-24
The Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity EpistleEphesians 4:1-6James 3:13-18Hebrews 4:9-13Romans 7:18-25Hebrews 4:9-13
GospelLuke 14:1-11Luke 10:38-42John 9:1-7Acts 17:16-28Matthew 12:1-8
Old TestamentProverbs 16:1-9
The Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity EpistleI Corinthians 1:4-9II Corinthians 7:6-10I John 4:7-12Romans 13:1-7James 2:10-17
GospelMatthew 22:34-46Luke 7:36-50John 9:24-39Mark 10:35-45Mark 10:17-27
Old TestamentJeremiah 17:5-10
The Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity EpistleEphesians 4:22-28II Thessalonians 3:5-12James 3:13-18Colossians 3:17-4:1James 5:13-20
GospelMatthew 9:1-8Matthew 12:1-13Luke 7:36-50Acts 19:23-40John 9:24-41
Old TestamentI Kings 19:1-18
The Twentieth Sunday after Trinity EpistleEphesians 5:15-21Ephesians 6:1-9I Timothy 2:1-6James 3:13-18Romans 14:1-9
GospelMatthew 22:1-14Luke 19:1-5Luke 18:1-8Acts 20:17-38John 15:1-8
Old TestamentI Kings 21:17-25
The Twenty-First Sunday after Trinity EpistleEphesians 6:10-17II Corinthians 8:1-12
I Timothy 6:3-12
I Corinthians 15:35-40 (We will be using the text from the 20th Sunday)
I Timothy 2:1-6
I John 3:1-3Ephesians 6:1-9
GospelJohn 4:46-54Luke 12:15-21John 11:32-45Acts 21:8-14Mark 10:13-16
Old TestamentIsaiah 30:15-19
The Twenty-Second Sunday after Trinity EpistlePhilippians 1:3-11James 5:7-11II Corinthians 4:11-18II Thessalonians 3:6-13Hebrews 13:1-9
GospelMatthew 18:23-35Luke 10:17-22Matthew 22:23-33Acts 24:24-27Luke 9:57-62
Old TestamentZephaniah 3:14-20
The Twenty-Third Sunday after Trinity EpistlePhilippians 3:17-21Colossians 3:1-4
Hebrews 4:9-13
Revelation 21:1-8Philippians 1:21-30I Timothy 4:4-11
GospelMatthew 22:15-22Luke 13:23-30Luke 14:16-24Mark 12:38-44Matthew 10:24-33
Old TestamentHaggai 2:1-10
The Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Trinity EpistleColossians 1:9-14I Thessalonians 5:1-11Hebrews 11:1-10II Timothy 4:1-8I Thessalonians 5:14-24
GospelMatthew 9:18-26Matthew 24:1-14Matthew 16:5-12Luke 20:27-40John 10:23-30
Old TestamentIsaiah 63:1-9
The Twenty-fifth Sunday after Trinity EpistleI Thessalonians 4:13-18II Thessalonians 2:1-12James 4:4-10II Corinthians 5:1-10Hebrews 10:32-39
GospelMatthew 24:15-28John 11:21-27Matthew 21:33-43John 14:1-6John 5:19-29
Old TestamentIsaiah 35:4-10
The Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Trinity EpistleII Peter 3:3-14Revelation 7:9-17
Hebrews 12:18-24
Hebrews 12:18-24Revelation 21:1-7Revelation 2:8-11
GospelII Thessalonians 1:3-10John 5:19-29Matthew 25:14-30Matthew 24:42-51Luke 19:11-27
Old Testament
The Twenty-Seventh Sunday after Trinity EpistleI Thessalonians 5:1-11Revelation 21:1-7I Thessalonians 5:14-24Hebrews 12:22-25Revelation 7:9-17
GospelMatthew 25:1-13Luke 12:35-46Mark 13:33-37Matthew 5:8-12Luke 12:35-43
Old Testament
The Festival of the Reformation EpistleRevelation 14:6-7Hebrews 13:7-9This was blank
Added our Reformation service text
Jude 3-4
I Corinthians 3:11-23
GospelMatthew 11:12-15John 2:15-17
John 8:30-36
This was blank
Added our Reformation service text
II Choronicles 34:29-33
This was blank
Added our Reformation service text
Matthew 4:16
John 2:13-17
Old TestamentPsalm 87:1-3
II Chronicles 29:12-19
Thanksgiving (Historic)
The Festival of Harvest (Eisenach)
EpistleI Timothy 2:1-8II Corinthians 9:6-15none
(we will be using)
Psalm 100
II Corinthians 9:6-11
GospelLuke 17:11-19Matthew 15:29-39
Luke 12:15-21
John 6:24-29
Old TestamentPsalm 145:15-21
Deuteronomy 26:1-11
The Festival of Missions EpistleActs 13:44-49
Acts 16:8-10
GospelMatthew 9:35-38John 6:24-29
Old TestamentPsalm 69
A Day of Humiliation and Prayer EpistleHebrews 12:12-15
GospelLuke 13:1-5
Old TestamentDaniel 9:3-19